While I loved that I got away from it all, what I loved even more was that I looked forward to getting home to my husband and my girls. H and I saw "Sex and The City 2" the night it came out, and part of the movie dealt with taking a 2-day break from a marriage. By the end of the movie, the characters that didn't agree with it, believed in it.
I see what the movie meant now. I hadn't had a weekend "off" from my relationship (hello, I never take breaks from my marriage) with my husband since we met. That's 6 years. 3 of which involve taking care of children. While I never feel burdened by any of my duties, feelings, etc., I do need a break from time to time. Why? Because everyone needs rest. We sleep at night to give our bodies a rest. We need to give our minds a rest, too. Spend some time on ourselves.
I let my husband play games with his buddy from time to time. I agree to him taking off for 20 minutes on his dirt bike randomly. He goes on sporadic camping trips with my dad. I now understand why that's good for him.
Don't get me wrong. I missed kissing and nibbling on baby cheeks. I missed hearing Hannah belt out random songs or make me laugh when she gets an attitude and doesn't know what she means by it. I missed snuggling up to my husband at night. It was all worth it knowing I came home feeling refreshed, relaxed, and not so overwhelmed. I'm sure he knows what I mean.
Anyways, back to the gift card...
I bought two new dresses, some bracelets, and a flower for my hair from H&M.
(PS: Lost a pound over the weekend, too. That doesn't normally happen on vacation!)
Last night, I watched "Losing It" with Jillian. Hello, motivation!
Not only is Jillian freaking AMAZING...

In short, the ending was amazing. And by amazing, I mean amazing. Both daughters are my size. Well, were. They gave themselves a 30-40 pound weight loss goal for 8 weeks. One even said she'd just like to be a size 6. The mother gave herself a 20 pound weight loss goal, but Jill bumped it to 40.
Needless to say, the daughters did it, and they looked amazing. The mother, on the other hand, exceeded expectations by losing 74 pounds.
Hello. Why can't I do that?!?!
So even though I set Tuesday as a rest day, it motivated me to get my ass up off the couch and do pilates and yoga as I had hoped to do that day.

I felt amazing. There's that word again.
I remember back in college, I did a summer of pilates, and I was at my most flexible, most sound, and most happy. (Well, second most happy...I was happier with my body my last semester of college.)
Anyways, pilates, a lunar mediation, forward bends, and shavasana combined, and I was IN. HEAVEN.
Not to mention I got to show off my cobbler's pose!!

So, with the discovery of how relaxed, loosed up, and wonderful I felt last night after 45 minutes of heavenly pilates/yoga, I've decided on something: I have a new set of goals. Stay tuned...this'll get me feeling like I'm on the set of "Losing It" with Jillian.
1 comment:
I'm loving all your blog posts!
I'm not even married and I totally believe in the time off that's needed! I think everyone needs time to just BE without the other person and responsibilities around. Even if it's only a few hours like you say.
That is one thing I really like about me and Sean--we both respect that need for each other--he has no problem with me going out with him and I don't him. It makes it nice.
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